Spa Pedicure : 45 best heathly tips ever ( end. )

Friday, November 14, 2014

45 best heathly tips ever ( end. )

31. My smear campaign. Having a pap smear once a year. Not in our list of favorite things, but it's very important. However, the chance of survival is almost 100 percent if it is detected early. Be especially careful if you became sexually active at an early age, had multiple sex partners or smoke.

32. Understand hormones. Recent research suggests that in the short term (less than five years) use of HRT is not associated with increased risk of breast cancer, but that using it for more than ten years can be. Breast cancer is detected early in women using HRT, because they are more alert to the disease than other women.

32. Defeat sneeze. There are more than 240 allergens, some rare and others are common. If you are sneezing due to pollen, you should close your car window while driving, and you should avoid going outdoors from 05: 00-10: 00 am when pollen counts are highest.

33. Doggone. If you are allergic to cats, dogs, or other type of pet, you stop doing those things. Install an air filter in your home is one way. Or you should keep your pet outside as much as possible.

34. Sport is beneficial for improving asthma. Swimming is the best sport helps to cure asthma, but biking, boating, fishing, sailing and walking are also good.

35. The heat caused by the sun. Sunlight can penetrate your skin and damage the epithelial cells of the skin, which can cause skin cancer for you.
So you'll need sunscreen while driving, and you should improve your heat resistant swimming pool in the sun.

36. Aging fragrant. Stay away from sunscreens scented or flavored coconut oil or orange if you want your skin is kept fresh. These lotions contain psoralen, speed up the aging process. Avoid the sun, it's bad for your skin.

37. Sunscreen may just be a smoke screen. Sunscreen is not effective sun protection and helps you avoid the risk of skin cancer completely. And because people do not know how to use it in the best way, and they stand out in the sun too long.

38. Laugh and cry. Having a good sob is reputed to be good for you. So is laughter, has been proven to help heal bodies, as well as a broken heart. Research shows that laughing and crying helps you to regulate the body's stress, and it's good for you.

39. Rather than having their heads for nonsense has happened in the past and was gone. You may have the opportunity and make a lot more sense for you and everyone, trying to master life, make yourself comfortable and fun to forget something is gone.

40. You should need help from others to feel tough and deadlock. It would be helpful to you, do not stress yourself alone.

41. Always keep a reasonable moisture for the bedroom. Shower or bathe in the hot water will dry your skin and make it an early age. Warm water is much better for you. You should always keep essential moisture to the skin, and if possible, use a moisturizer to make skin moisture.

42. This is the rub. Improves circulation and helps your lymph glands to drain this way you towel off. Helping your lymph glands function can help prevent them from becoming infected.

When dried limbs and torso, brush towards your groin, legs and upper body towards your armpit. You can do so during gentle massage with your partner.

43. Diabetes. The study showed that this type of diabetes is often part of the metabolic syndrome (Syndrome X), which include high blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease ..

44. Relax, it's just sex. Stress and sex make bad bedfellows, it seems. A survey of Americans showed that stress, kids and jobs are the key elements to reduce libido. With the advent of technology that allows us to work from home, the boundaries between work and personal life we have become blurred.

45. Sleep is good. Sleep will help you heal the problems of the body, especially heart disease and psychological disorders.

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